1900 Census records list Montana's population as 243,329

1900 Marcus Daly dies (Chapter 10)

1900 Montana’s population is 243,329 (Chapter 13)

1900–1917 Montana homestead boom (Chapter 13)

1901 William A. Clark elected to U.S. Senate (Chapter 10)

1901 Montana miners win eight-hour workday (Chapter 10)

1902 Montana state capitol building completed (Chapter 10)

1902 Reclamation Act passed

1903 Fair-trials bill passed (Chapter 10)

1904 Crow cede northern strip of reservation (Chapter 11)

U.S. Forest Service created

1906 Forest Homestead Act (Chapter 13)

1906 Montana adopts the initiative and the referendum (Chapter 15)

1907 Milwaukee Road enters Montana (Chapter 9, 13)

1907–1934 Reservations face allotment (Chapter 11, 15)

1908 Model T invented (Chapter 17)

1909 Enlarged Homestead Act (Chapter 13)

1909 Missoula free speech fight (Chapter 15)