1910 Census records list Montana's population as 376,053

1910 Glacier National Park established (Chapter 9)

1910 Great Fire (Chapter 12)

1910–1925 Montanans create 28 new counties (Chapter 15)

1912 Montana Power Company formed (Chapter 9)

1914 Montana women get the right to vote (Chapter 15)

1914 World War I Begins (Chapter 16)

1914–1921 Troops occupy Butte six times in response to labor unrest (Chapter 16)

1915 Nonpartisan League founded (Chapter 15)

1916 Rocky Boy’s Reservation created for Chippewa-Cree (Chapter 15)

1916 Jeannette Rankin is elected to the U.S. Congress (Chapter 16)

1916 Montana passes Prohibition (Chapter 15)

1917 Industrial Workers of the World timber strike shuts down logging in the Pacific Northwest (Chapter 12)

1917 Drought Begins (Chapter 13)

1917 Speculator Mine disaster kills 168 miners (Chapter 16)

1918 Montana Sedition Law passed (Chapter 16)

1918 World War I ends (Chapter 18)

1918 Worldwide influenza epidemic (Chapter 16)

1919 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution establishes Prohibition

1919-1925 Half of Montana farmers lose their land (Chapter 18)