Times of Trouble, Times of Change: Montana and the Great War

When the United States entered World War I in April 1917 to make the world "safe for democracy," a conflict over American ideals erupted at home.

Many Montanans supported the war effort. They worked on farms, labored in mines, knit items for soldiers, and conserved food.

Patriotic fervor pulled some communities together and tore others apart. Fear and suspicion seeped into daily life, while laws and mob action silenced dissent.

Montanans, including non-citizen Native Americans, served in the military in record numbers. Those who returned found their home communities struggling with influenza and drought.

During these trying times, Montanans grappled with questions that resonate today:

What does it mean to be American?

What role do immigrants have in American society?

How much liberty should we sacrifice for security?

Which ideals are we fighting to protect?

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Times of Trouble, Times of Change: Montana and the Great War