Times of Trouble, Times of Change: Montana and the Great War
ca. 1910
Donated in Memory of Helen Weinmeister Mueller by the Mueller Family
Object ID:
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free." -Emma Lazarus, 1883

As patriotic fervor intensified, immigrants faced increasing hostility from their neighbors. They were often harassed in their communities and discriminated against by businesses.

In March 1918, a Lewistown mob "forced the school authorities to deliver to them all German text and other books, and with them made a bonfire." -Democrat News, March 28, 1918

One month later, the Montana Council of Defense banned the German language in schools and churches.

Montana Council of Defense Order No. 3 listed twelve books that schools and libraries needed to remove from circulation. It also instructed authorities to remove any other book that could "contain German propaganda."

This hymnal belonged to the German Russian Weinmeister family of Valley County. After their daughter was intimidated at school, the family stopped speaking German even in their home.
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Songbook, 2017.45.01Songbook, 2017.45.01
Songbook, 2017.45.01 (inside)Songbook, 2017.45.01 (inside)